Tag: <span>jruby</span>

App Engine for Java: An Enterprise Cumulonimbus?

Enterprise software pundits are now gazing metaphorically skyward. There’s all this talk of clouds, but what kind of clouds are coming, and will they be friendly? We begin by describing some applications we’ve developed for App Engine, including implementation of other languages, such as JRuby, on top of the App …

JRuby and Ioke on Google App Engine for Java

JRuby is regarded as the most stable and efficient implementation of Ruby. Running JRuby on top of Google App Engine for Java gives access to many interesting possibilities, including running Rails on top of Google’s infrastructure. Exactly how to make this happen is not totally apparent, though, and there are …

JRuby and Beyond: A Renaissance for the Java Platform

The Java platform is changing. No longer can a developer get by just knowing Java. There’s JRuby providing Ruby and Rails. There’s Groovy with Grails and other frameworks. Jython for Django. Scala with Lift. Rhino for JavaScript and frameworks like Phobos. And all of them provide not only access to …