Category: <span>General</span>

How to Create a Java Server Faces (JSF) Development Environment with Apache Tomcat + Suns JDK

This tutorial demonstrates how to configure your Windows XP environment in order to do some JSF development. The idea is that first you need to install the JDK, configure the JAVA_HOME environment variable, and then install the Tomcat Servlet & JSP engine. With the JAVA_HOME set, and the bin directory …

Lecture 25 | Programming Methodology (Stanford University)

Lecture by Professor Mehran Sahami for the Stanford Computer Science Department (CS106A). Professor Sahami introduces the next assignment “the face pamphlet” and demonstrates how to make the program. CS106A is an Introduction to the engineering of computer applications emphasizing modern software engineering principles: object-oriented design, decomposition, encapsulation, abstraction, and testing. …

Build Applications on the Microsoft Platform Using Eclipse, Java, Ruby and PHP

Microsoft has delivered multiple technologies that focus on interoperability with non-Microsoft and Open Source technologies. In this video you will learn how to use the Eclipse tools today to build Silverlight applications that run on PCs and Macs, how to develop using combinations of Java, Ruby and PHP in addition …