Author: <span></span>

Silicon Valley JUG: Applying the Asynchronous Web

Emerging Ajax techniques–variously called Ajax Push, Comet, Reverse Ajax, and HTTP streaming–are bringing revolutionary changes to web application interactivity, moving the web into the Participation Age. Join us for a detailed introduction to the asynchronous web, covering the underlying protocols and APIs, the challenges for application servers, and the high-level …

The Clean Code Talks — Inheritance, Polymorphism, & Testing

Is your code full of if statements? Switch statements? Do you have the same switch statement in various places? When you make changes do you find yourself making the same change to the same if/switch in several places? Did you ever forget one? This talk will discuss approaches to using …

Advanced Topics in Programming Languages: Java Puzzlers Episode IV

Java Puzzlers, Episode VI: The Phantom-Reference Menace/Attack of the Clone/Revenge of the Shift. Josh Bloch and special guest star Bill Pugh present yet another installment in the continuing saga of Java Puzzlers, consisting of eight more programming puzzles for your entertainment and enlightenment. The game show format keeps you on …

Advanced Topics in Programming Languages: The Java Memory Model

This talk describes the Java Memory Model and how it affects the ways concurrent software should be written. Recent changes to the memory model, which were incorporated into JDK 5, redefined the semantics of threads, synchronization, volatile variables, and final fields. The new memory model provides efficient and provably correct …