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Lecture 9 | Programming Methodology (Stanford University)

Lecture by Professor Mehran Sahami for the Stanford Computer Science Department (CS106A). Professor Sahami introduces 2 new concepts, and he shows the class how to combine the previous topics and lectures together. CS106A is an Introduction to the engineering of computer applications emphasizing modern software engineering principles: object-oriented design, decomposition, …

Kilim: Fast, lightweight, cheap message passing in Java

The message passing (MP) paradigm is often seen as a superior alternative to the typical mix of idioms in concurrent (shared-memory, locks) and distributed programming (CORBA/RMI). MP eliminates worries endemic to the shared-memory mindset: lock ordering, failure-coupling, low-level data races and memory models. It simplifies synchronization between data and control …

Advanced Topics in Programming Languages: JSR-305: Java annotations for software defect detection

This talk will describe the current status of JSR-305, Java annotations for software defect detection. This JSR will define several standard Java annotations for properties such as @Nonnegative and @Nonnull that can be used to document your design intentions in a way that be interpreted by multiple software tools (such …