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Grails Podcast @ JavaOne 2009 – Glen & Sven at the Microsoft booth looking at Grails on Mac

Ted demonstrates how his private MacBook uses Grails to connect to a MS SQL server using the new JDBC 4 driver for MS SQL. We thought we give this some extra footage. Ted demonstrates the Northwind database and scaffolded UI for these tables based on newly created domain classes.

Building Twitter with Grails in 40 Minutes

In this session Graeme Rocher, SpringSource’s Head of Grails Development, will demonstrate how the basics of Twitter could have been built using Grails and JMS in a mere 40 minutes. A fast paced and code-driven presentation, Graeme will build a Twitter-like application from scratch using Grails and its rapid application …

Introduction to Building Desktop-Style UIs: JavaScript on Grails

The demand for increased interactivity with today’s web applications has resulted in a need to bring the familiar UI features of the desktop to the Web. With the availability of mature 3rd party JavaScript libraries, AJAX technology (DOM, CSS, JavaScript) provides a feasible way to fill this need. The presenter …