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Cross-Language Development Experience on the JVM

During this talk we’ll describe our experience extending a large Java application with those languages, the problems we’ve faced and the benefits we’ve achieved. We’ll also demonstrate the cross-language development features of IntelliJ IDEA, including cross-language navigation, refactoring and cross-compilation. We hope that our experience will let you decide whether …

eSWT: The New Open Source UI toolkit for Mobile Java Applications

eSWT, the embedded version of the Eclipse’s Standard Widget Toolkit (SWT) is one of the components introduced by the Eclipse embedded Rich Client Platform (eRCP) project. eSWT can be also be used without the other components of eRCP in the mobile java applications. Using eSWT toolkit java applications can create …

James Gosling’s Keynote at Jazoon 2009 “Java: Where We’re Heading”

Gosling’s keynote surveyed important and interesting technologies in the pipeline including Glassfish v3, which can scale down as well as up and where “EJB is easy”; real time support, where you have more choices in the tradeoff between “Throughput vs Determinism”; new garbage collection options; gains in performance; compressed pointers, …