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Architecting GWT applications for production at Google

For large Google Web Toolkit (GWT) applications, there’s a lot you should think about early in the design of your project. GWT has a variety of technologies to help you, but putting it all together can be daunting. This session walks you through how teams at Google architect production-grade applications, …

SpringSource Tool Suite Error Analysis

An introduction to the SpringSource Tool Suite Error Analysis. SpringSource Tool Suite (STS) provides the best and most complete set of Eclipse-based tools for building Spring-powered applications that run on the major application server platforms, including Apache Tomcat, SpringSource tc Server, SpringSource dm Server, IBM WebSphere, Oracle WebLogic, and JBoss. …

What’s new in Hibernate: a JPA 2 perspective

This Jazoon 2010 session presents the new features of Hibernate and in particular the one coming from Java Persistence 2. Itl explores the new type-safe Criteria API as well as its close brother the new Hibernate Static metamodel generator; the new locking options and their consequences for your applications; Infinispan’s …