Can GWT Reverse Java Decline?

Can GWT Reverse Java Decline?

Once it could seems that Java would be the only language needed by a developer to program every tier of a system. Yet despite the great advances in virtual machines, the proliferation of devices running them, the proliferation of frameworks, and advances in the language itself, Java’s reach is declining. This video discusses how and why this is possible and explores whether GWT has the potential to change this.

Video Producer: Seattle Java User Group

Presentation slides

Related GWT knowledge: MVP Foundations for Your GWT Application


  1. Yagiz

    > Java’s reach is declining

    Could you elaborate on that? Is that a platform specific statement? Is it tier specific? Deployment type specific? Could you share some numbers with us?

  2. Ian Mayo

    Hi Admin,
    please excuse my trouble driving Vimeo. Where-ever I jump to in the video it always shows slide 1 of 52. But, I guess each time I jump it starts again at the beginning. Dah, Vimeo!

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