We have been on many talks about the (not so) new software design approach which is – “Microservices”. Having organized few Microservice Hackathons (both public and internal) and developing applications for the last 7 months using that approach, we would like to show you what are the BUTs of the idea.
Rarely can you hear about the challenges and issues related to the microservices software architecture approach and we’ll tell nothing but the truth about it. Also we’ll show how you can quickly start creating your own apps using the tools we have created at 4finance / SoftwareMill. Just a glimpse of what will you see in action: zookeeper for service discovery; Kibana / Graphana for monitoring; client code in Java, Scala and Groovy; Ansible for provisioning. And the best part is that everything is opensourced and ready to use. Expect nothing but live coding.
Video producer: http://latcraft.lv/