We all have a burning desire to write clean Java code. Every morning we wake up, look in the mirror, and promise ourselves that today we will follow the principles and best practices learned from Uncle Bob and his disciples. But we live in a cruel environment, surrounded by millions of smelly lines of code, reflections of a stinky design… and these constantly challenge our pure-hearted desire for writing clean code. In such an environment, the stubbornness to practice daily the writing of clean code is vital. But is it enough? Can we avoid getting lost in a sea of smelly code and design?
In this talk I will try to persuade you that, in dealing with large-scale systems, craftsmanship must be supported by proper techniques and tools that can help us to quickly understand, assess and improve the sea of smelly design that surrounds us. I will present a pragmatic approach on how design anti-patterns (e.g. God Class, Feature Envy, Refused Bequest, Shotgun Surgery) can be automatically detected using a set of metrics-based detection rules, by analyzing the history of the system, and by using intriguing software visualizations. The presentation will also include a live demo of tools that can automate the entire approach to a high-extent. These tools are so robust that they can deal with systems of several million lines of code; but they are also friendly enough to provide you with customized hints that help you deal with each and every case of an “unclean” code.
[youtube tIM96lYPX5M]
Video producer: http://itakeunconf.com
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